This is a record of the research papers that I randomly or sometimes not so randomly come across in my quest to find some answers. As I am mostly inclined towards the study of Data Sciences, Dynamical systems and Network theory, most of my papers would be relating to them. I am also interested in the study of systems on non-flat metric, which is mostly worked out in General Relativity.
Machine Learning in Materials Science: Recent Progress and Emerging Applications
Constructing socio-economic status indices: how to use principal components analysis
Using an asset index to assess trends in poverty in seven Sub-Saharan African countries
Enhancing the Locality and Breaking the Memory Bottleneck of Transformer on Time Series Forecasting
From time series to complex networks: the visibility graph
Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks
The Revolutionary paper from by Watts & Strogatz about the small world phenomenon in real world networks. The Small world phenomenon here is characterized by two parameters, Clustering Coefficient and characteristic path length. Most small world networks exhibit the high local clustering like regular networks and small characteristic path length like random networks.
Complex Networks Analysis of Language Complexity
This paper talks about constructing Complex networks from text data with respect to their order of appearance in a sentence in a given text. The different metric from the networks are then used to classify the complexity of the text / Language. (A look into this from the algebraic topological measures from Cliques might have a better insight than the metrics used here in this paper).
Fast unfolding of communities in large networks
Finding and evaluating community structure in networks
Unwinding the hairball graph: Pruning algorithms for weighted complex networks
Topology of Innovation Spaces in the Knowledge Networks Emerging through Questions-And-Answers
Recurrence networks – A novel paradigm for nonlinear time series analysis
The backbone of the climate network
The dynamics of meaningful social interactions and the emergence of collective knowledge
What do Networks have to do with Climate?
An Approach to Stability Analyses in General Relativity via Symplectic Geometry
Last Update: 25 Sept 2019